Our Infrastructure

Currently there is a school, two dwellings, and farm outbuildings on the site which will be converted for communal use depending on member preferences. There are funds included in the share price (stage 2) for communal facilities and members have discussed and explored future facilities such as a community hall, multi-function shed, natural swimming pool/sauna, community work hub, community dance and meeting place and a future cafe/general store for the public.

There will be common infrastructure such as internal roads, and some wastewater facilities for homesites within the village areas. Outside the village area each homesite would need independent off-grid power sources, wastewater treatment and water collection.

There will be over 100 acres of farmland available with a range of uses including more intensive food production closer to the village or broadscale grazing in other areas. There is ample water and good soil on-site for agricultural pursuits. Any commercial activities on communal land will require approval from the co-operative board and will likely require some compensation to the community. There may be community orchards and food gardens however the extent of these community activities will be established in the community workshops planned. The site has an extensive forest area that can be accessed by the community and may also be used based on agreement.